Solving the Shidduch Crisis

This episode we sit down with 3 well-seasoned shadchanim and dating coaches to talk about the shidduch system.. is there a crisis?What can be done to help the singles in our communities..? Then we had the amazing Fruma Herskovic & Nechami Tenenbaum join the panel. They let us know the many things people should know when speaking to singles and gave us a raw and real look into the heart of a single woman. Tadumtadum!!! Zehavit Rosenbloom then interjected herself into the conversation, and we went from serious to fun, then serious to fun again. It's a jam-packed episode full of inspirtainment. Enjoy! A special Thank you to Chevy Lipskier, Debby Garfunkel and Bella Beer for joining us on our shadchan panel and giving us your amazing input! Xoxo, Malkie


1:30 Hours

18 Jan 2024


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